ACAwise performs IRS business rules validations to ensure the 1095 Forms are accurate and ready for transmission. By applying various validation processes, ACAwise prevents employers from unnecessary Form corrections and IRS penalties for reporting incorrect data on
ACA reporting forms.
Why Perform IRS Business Rules Validations?
After generating the IRS 1095 Forms with ACA codes, ACAwise performs IRS business rules validation to validate your 1095 Form against a set of business rules defined by the IRS for accurate ACA Filing.
By Performing IRS business rules validations, we can identify the following types
of errors:
- Errors in employees’ basic information (For instance, unwanted spaces in address 1234 Any Road Apt 12B)
- Generations in the last name field (For instance - Smith, III.)
- Incorrect file names
- Missing fields in the Form
- Duplicate data in the form fields
If any of the above errors are found during the validation, we will send the data to you with our recommendations and request you to correct the errors through the
secured portal.
If any of the above errors are found during the validation, we will send the data to you with our recommendations and request you to correct the errors through the
secure portal.
After correcting the errors, ACAwise will review it again and proceed with the
IRS E-filing.
ACAwise performs other validation processes, including XML Schema, TIN Matching, and
USPS address validations to ensure that the returns are accurate and acceptable by the IRS before transmission
Ready to Explore ACAwise?
Get Started with ACAwise for accurate filing.
A Quick Guide for Employers
ACAwise has created a Free guide to help applicable large employers to know 2025 ACA Reporting Requirements
and ACA Codes better.
ACA Reporting Requirements for 2025
ACA Code Cheatsheet for 2025
ACA Reporting Highlights

ACA Filing deadline
Employers should know the updated ACA 1094 and 1095-B/C reporting deadlines.
Learn More
ACA Reporting Requirements
These instructions will help employers understand the ACA reporting requirements.
Learn More
ACA Form 1095-C Code Sheet
To report the health coverage information on Form 1095-C, ALEs clearly understand the Line 14 & 16 ACA Codes.
Learn More