Client-Driven Benefits
At ACAwise, we understand the nature of your business as a Third Party Administrator. Taking the reins and managing the benefits offered by multiple employers isn't easy. It requires a lot of responsibility to ensure the needs of each employer are properly handled. ACAwise aims to help share some of that responsibility.
ACAwise allows you to easily input and monitor ACA data and compliance for multiple clients before securely e-filing their ACA returns with the IRS each year. ACAwise also offers postal mailing, so recipient copies of Form 1095 are automatically sent out from our support center after e-filing. ACAwise truly is the client-driven solution you're looking for.
White Label Solution
As a Third Party Administrator, showcasing your ACA capabilities is almost as important as performing ACA requirements themselves. After all, if your clients don't know that you're able to efficiently handle their ACA compliance and filing with your secret weapon, ACAwise, it'll be harder to provide your ACA services.
When you register with ACAwise as a TPA, you have the ability to enhance your account with our White Label option. White Label Accounts come with a customized version of ACAwise built exclusively for you to market to your clients. You maintain full control over your branding, as well as the ACA compliance and e-filing of your clients, and can even delegate access to your coworkers to manage your clients' ACA needs.
Your Clients' Needs Satisfied
ACAwise provides a client-driven solution for TPAs that delivers the most successful benefits and strategic approaches to satisfy the needs of their clients. Improve efficiency in maintaining your clients' compliance needs with ACAwise's automated eligibility and affordability finder process. With ACAwise, your clients will not only acquire the right plan for them, but will also see how their cost-effective plan has been designed to empower their potential health care needs.

Multi-Client Configuration
Use ACAwise to manage ACA compliance and reporting for as many clients as you need, all in one place.

Simplified Workflow
Realtime dashboards and help from our experts make managing ACA compliance for multiple clients as simple as possible.

Multi-User Access
Grant members of your team varying levels of account access to help manage your clients' data.
Deliberate Data Intake & Compliance
ACAwise's data capture capabilities ensure all necessary ACA data is collected from any source by using an enhanced and efficient data standardization process. With this data capture process, you can even seamlessly import data from multiple sources, including API Integration. You can also store everything in one place and access all your clients' data at any time with our easy-to-use data management process.
In terms of compliance, ACAwise determines eligibility and affordability by automatically deriving information based on the data integrated into the system. ACAwise applies various IRS criteria to your data to find and measure eligibility and affordability to provide you with accurate compliance reporting. With this tracking and reporting, you can provide each of your clients with an actionable plan to ensure they are meeting their compliance needs.

ACA Data Integration
With flexible data capture and integration, you can input the payroll, benefits, and ACA data you already have easily into your ACAwise account.

Secure API Integration
To ensure a seamless transfer of the ACA data you already have, ACAwise employs API Integration to accurately and securely input data into your account.

Real-Time Measuring & Management
Multi-client dashboards provide easy access to multiple real-time reports to give you keen insights of your ACA data and compliance management.
Benchmark Reports, Data Distribution, & IRS Reporting
With our built-in benchmark reports, its easy to compare the best plans for your clients. You can focus on finding the right strategies to reflect their potential health plans and risks to avoid future penalties. You can also choose between the different reports using a simple interface to provide your clients with the right, affordable health coverage plan.
All of this allows you to effectively manage and put into action a plan for your clients to obtain error-free data to generate Forms 1094 and 1095 to be reported to the IRS on time each year.

Compliance Risk Reduction
With ACAwise's built-in error checks and risk notifications your clients' chances of incurring IRS penalties greatly decrease.

Simplified IRS Reporting
ACAwise comes packed with secure, IRS-authorized ACA e-filing to handle all of your clients' ACA needs.

Form Correction Capabilities
If for any reason a return is rejected, ACAwise makes amending a return and resubmitting it as simple as possible.
ACAwise How it Works for TPAs
White Label Account Setup
Step- 1
Promote & Sign Up Clients
Step- 2
Upload Clients Benefit Data
Step- 3
Track & Manage ACA Compliance All Year
Step- 4
Resell & Invoice Your Clients
Step- 5
e-file, Print, &
Mail FormsStep- 6